The Cost Per Thousand For Direct Mail Marketing Is Higher Than Mass Marketing, But the Benefits Outweigh the Costs


with directmail marketing the cost per thousand is higher than mass marketing

The cost per thousand for direct-mail marketing is considerably higher than mass marketing. However, the benefits outweigh the costs. In general, direct mail delivers higher response rates. While the cost per thousand for direct-mail marketing is more expensive than mass marketing, the cost per impression is still far better than mass marketing. Listed below are three benefits of direct-mail marketing. A higher response rate means more potential customers for your business.

o It builds brand awareness. Even if the recipients are not interested in the offer currently being promoted, they will likely recognize the brand. Ultimately, they may visit the website and buy a product. Direct mail is an excellent way to build brand awareness. And it can reach people of any age, gender, and income level. This is the main benefit of direct-mail marketing. And it doesn't have any hidden costs.

o Using mailing lists is important. A mailing list is the foundation of direct mail advertising. While some companies use in-house mailing lists, others buy lists to target a specific audience. Some mailing lists are tailored to specific demographics, such as car owners, homeowners, and vegans. This is important because different types of businesses require different mailing lists. And the cost per thousand can range from a few dollars per list to several hundred dollars.

o Using mailers that are oversized or letter-sized is a great way to increase response rates. But because these types of mailers are oversized, they're more expensive to design, print, and mail. Therefore, if you're looking for a serious product, send a letter. Otherwise, try to send a colorful postcard. But make sure your message is relevant to your audience.


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