What is the Cost of Direct Mail Advertising?


what is the cost of direct mail advertising

The cost of direct mail advertising is highly dependent on the quality of the mailing list. The cost of the mailing list ranges from $0.03 to $0.30 per record, and is often listed per thousand records. Purchasing your own list is expensive, and renting one is even more expensive. Regardless of how you purchase your list, you'll need to know your main goal before you begin your campaign. Here are some tips for making your marketing campaign more efficient and affordable:

To determine the cost of direct mail advertising, you should consider how to measure customer lifetime value. This is because the cost of direct mail depends on a variety of variables, such as the design of the postcard and the copywritten content. Additionally, the cost of a direct mail campaign can increase dramatically depending on the type of mailing list you choose, the quality of the stock, and the number of prospects you're targeting.

While it's impossible to pinpoint a specific cost per piece of direct mail, the costs are typically much lower when spread across large target numbers. The cost per piece of direct mail will be cheaper if you purchase more than a thousand pieces. Nevertheless, this cost may rise to more than $22,000 if you're running several campaigns per year. And, there's the setup cost, which is often hidden in the budget.


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